Refund Policy

We are happy to offer our customers a completely hassle-free 30 Days Money Back Guarantee Refund Policy on purchases (see restrictions below) made here directly on when the following conditions are met. But please note that Expedited shipping costs are non-refundable. Please see Shipping Policy for more information.

If you are dissatisfied for any reason, and desire to either exchange a product or desire a refund, you must first contact us via our contact page or by sending an email to su*****@nu***********.com within 30 days from the time you received your purchase for instructions on where to send your return.

Please DO NOT return your product back to the address your product arrived from without first contacting and receiving a response from us. Contact us first, and we will provide you easy instructions on how and where to send your return to. By not following these instructions will cause a delay in processing your return.

** We will honor your request for an exchange or refund if the following conditions are met.

All contents that you received must be returned

To receive a full refund, all items received (including any free gifts/bonuses) must be returned back to us at your expense.

If the reason for your return was our mistake (such as we shipped the wrong product in error), then we will gladly provide you a prepaid shipping label to send the product back to us for either an exchange or refund. 

In any case regarding the return of a product, we must reclaim any free gifts that were provided with your purchase to protect our company from individuals that only purchase with the intention to return and keep the free gifts. To be clear, all contents received must be returned. If you desire an exchange due to a defect, then only the specific defective product needs to be returned.

Return Policy on Digital/Downloadable Products

All sales are final when purchasing any Digital or Downloadable product, and NO refund for any reason will be issued.

Return Policy on All Other Products

We offer a 30 days Money Back guarantee on all products. But some items will be clearly noted that there’s a “restocking fee” associated with the return of the product. In the details of the product will clearly note if there is a restocking fee associated with returning the product.

Receiving Your Refund or Exchange

Please complete the form on this page, and then you will receive instructions on where to send your return. Upon receiving your return, your request for either an exchange or refund will be processed within 3-5 business day. Refunds will be credited back to the method of payment you used to make your purchase, or your exchange will be shipped to the address used in the original purchase.

Contact us: If you are dissatisfied for any reason after making your purchase or if you have additional questions about our refund policy, please feel free to contact us. The fastest way to reach is by using the “Chat with Us” Live chat feature at the bottom right corner of our site. We are available at 1-800-217-0311 Mon-Fri from 10AM – 5PM EST. You may also email us at: su*****@nu***********.com. We respond to all emails within 24 hours or less Mon-Fri.

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